How Coworking Improves Employee Well-Being In The Workplace

Considering the size of the nation’s workforce, few people actually enjoy going to work every weekday. They likely spend a great deal of time in cubicles, so they get little sunlight and interaction with others. With that in mind, it’s easy to see why some of them simply aren’t happy. On the other hand, employees who have engaging environments and feel good at work have better overall well-being. However, why is this the case?

Research and Statistics

People want their workspaces to contribute to their well-being, and it can make them healthier and happier. According to a survey of 650 employees in shared workplaces, 83% of them said that coworking makes them feel less lonely. Also, 78% said that coworking preserves their sanity, and 89% said that it makes them happier. Furthermore, the 2014 Mood Tracker Report from Globoforce shows that 89% of employees believe that work relationships affect their overall quality of life.

Why Coworking Makes People Thrive

According to research, people thrive from coworking because there are six elements of well-being that are associated with happiness in the workplace. These elements are affected differently in at-home workspaces.

1. Optimism fosters innovation and creativity. At home, people have fewer sources to draw from for inspiration or to feel uplifted during a tough day. In a shared workspace, they can lean on their community managers and like-minded colleagues.

2. Mindfulness helps people manage the mental overload that their daily lives create so that they can fully engage in the moment. This practice is more difficult at home because they’re surrounded by reminders of everything that’s going on in their lives. However, there are clear boundaries set in a shared workspace, which allows them to be more productive.

3. Authenticity is the ability for people to be themselves no matter where they are. In general, they have concepts of their personal and professional selves, and being in situations that are close to those realities make them feel better. For that reason, joining a shared workspace is the most ideal.

4. Belonging is the feeling of being connected with other people through social activity. It’s also the feeling of being useful to others, which stimulates positivity. Those who work at home don’t develop the same connections that those in shared workspaces develop simply because they don’t have the opportunity.

5. Meaning is the sense of purpose that people need in order to understand their influence and see how they contribute to a community. Generally, they’re happier when they feel like their work has purpose and is aligned with their goals. Working in a shared space enhances their perspective through interactions with others.

6. Vitality is a sense of passion, excitement, and liveliness, and it’s influenced by frequent physical movement. However, those who work at home tend to sit much more than those who work in shared spaces.

There’s More to Well-Being Than Physical Health

Reducing late-night snacks and being physically active is only part of achieving good overall well-being. Many complex factors affect people’s sense of fulfillment and happiness from life. As research demonstrates, coworking is a factor that has a positive impact.

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